

2400 panelists from the worlds of business, society, science and politics have been welcomed since 1989

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Fonction occupée lors de leur dernière présence à la Cité


  • Yazid SABEG
    Commissioner for Diversity and Equal Opportunity
    2010 Paris
  • Monica SABOLO
    Journalist, writer
    2022 Paris
    Chairman of the Fondation de France
    2010 Paris
  • Gérard SAILLANT
    Professor of medicine, Head of the Orthopaedics and Trauma Department, Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital
    2002 Paris
  • Christian SAINT-ETIENNE
    2003 Lyon
  • Gérard SAINT-PAUL
    Directeur de la rédaction de France 24
    2006 Paris
  • Thérèse de SAINT-PHALLE
    Writer, director Editions Plon
    1994 Paris
  • Gonzague SAINT BRIS
    2003 Lyon
  • Muriel de SAINT SAUVEUR
    International Market&Comm Agency Director, Mazars Goup Diversity director
    2014 Paris
  • Arnaud de SAINT SIMON
    President, Groupe Psychologies
    2017 Paris
  • Riad Toufic SALAME
    Governor, Libanese Bank
    1997 Marseille
  • Asif SALEH
    Executive Director, BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee)
    2024 Paris
  • Ryadh SALLEM
    Paralympic athlete, consultant
    2014 Paris
  • Eric SALOBIR
    President of the executive committee of the Human Technology Foundation
    2024 Paris
  • Thaima SAMMAN
    Senior director corporate affairs Microsoft EMEA
    2008 Paris
  • Frédéric SANCHEZ
    Chairman of the Management Board of Fives Group
    2017 Paris
  • Yves SANDOZ
    Membre du Comité International de la Croix Rouge
    2003 Lyon
  • Quentin SANNIÉ
    CEO of Devialet
    2017 Paris
  • Jacques SANTER
    President European Commission
    1997 Marseille
  • André SANTINI
    Secrétaire d'Etat auprès du Ministre du Budget, Député-Maire d'Issy les Moulineaux
    2008 Paris
  • Philippe SANTINI
    Managing director, France Télévision Publicité
    2000 Paris
  • Philippe Émile SANTINI
    Director, Avenir France
    1997 Marseille
  • Salomé SAQUÉ
    Journalist and author
    2024 Paris
  • Florence SARDAS
    Partner - Forvis Mazars Group
    2024 Paris
  • Guillaume SARKOZY
    Former vice-president of the Union of the textile industries
    2006 Paris
  • Nicolas SARKOZY
    Minister for Internal Affairs, President UMP
    2006 Paris
  • Stéphane SARRADE
    Director of Low Carbon Energy Programs at CEA
    2024 Paris
  • Nizar SASSI
    Author: "Prisoner 325, Delta camp: from Vénissieux to Guantanamo"
    2006 Paris
  • Hubert SAUPER
    Film director of « Darwin's Nightmare »
    2006 Paris
  • Fernando SAVATER
    2008 Paris
  • Guy SAVOY
    2017 Paris
  • Olivier SCALABRE
    Managing Director and Senior Partner - BCG France
    2024 Paris
  • Jean-Louis SCARINGELLA
    Director, ESCP-EAP Group
    2002 Paris
    Associate director, Apollo Invest
    2000 Paris
  • Cyril SCHIEVER
    Chairman, MSD France
    2014 Paris
  • Lucile SCHMID
    Essayist, Vice-President of the Ecological Factory
    2022 Paris
  • Eric-Emmanuel SCHMITT
    Writer, playwright
    2000 Paris
  • Jean SCHMITT
    1996 Paris
  • Dominique SCHNAPPER
    2024 Paris
  • Alain SCHOTT
    Fondateur du Journal Information, directeur des Ventes
    1994 Paris
  • François SCHUITEN
    Comic Strip Creator
    2003 Lille
    Professor of medicine
    1990 Paris
    Chair and CEO of Monnaie de Paris
    2024 Paris
  • Virginie SCHWARZ
    Executive Director of ADEME Programmes
    2010 Paris
    CEO Renault
    1998 Paris
  • Daniel SCOLAN
    Managing director COMAREG
    1999 Marseille
  • Henri SEBAOUN
    CEO of Carven
    2014 Paris
  • Inès SEDDIKI
    Co-founder of Ghett-up
    2024 Paris
  • Philippe SEGUIN
    Premier Président de la Cour des Comptes
    2006 Paris
  • Stuart SEIDE
    Director of the Théâtre du Nord
    2003 Lille
  • Nicolas SEKKAKI
    President of IBM France
    2017 Paris
  • Pierre SELLAL
    French Ambassador, Président of la Fondation de France
    2024 Paris
  • Marc SELLAM
    Chairman IONIS Education Group
    2006 Paris
  • Jacques SEMELIN
    Research director to the National Center for Scientific Research, professor at Sciences Po
    2006 Paris
  • Cécile SEMERIVA
    Head of Innovation of Citeo
    2022 Paris
  • Jorge SEMPRUN
    Writer, member of Académie universelle des culturelles
    1996 Paris
  • Jean-Dominique SENARD
    Chairman of the Board of Directors at Renault Group
    2024 Paris
    Chef of restaurant "Lucas Carton"
    2000 Paris
  • Dominique SENEQUIER
    CEO & Founder of Ardian
    2024 Paris
  • Mouna SEPEHRI
    Executive Vice-Président, Office of the CEO, Renault Group
    2014 Paris
  • Gilles-Eric SERALINI
    Professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen
    2006 Paris
  • Hervé SERIEYX
    2004 Marseille
  • Michel SERRES
    1994 Paris
    Doctor of Medicine, writer
    2004 Marseille
  • Jacky SETTON
    Chairman Setton Group
    1989 Paris
  • Jean-Michel SEVERINO
    Managing director of the Agence Française de Développement
    2006 Paris
  • Allin C. SEWARD
    2006 Paris
  • Jérôme SEYDOUX
    Chairman, Pathé
    1999 Marseille
  • Guillaume de SEYNES
    Managing Director, upstream division and holdings of Hermès
    2022 Paris
  • Jean-Claude SEYS
    Chairman, Diderot Institute
    2022 Paris
  • Leïla SHAHID
    General delegate of Palestine in France
    2002 Paris
  • Daryush SHAYEGAN
    2001 Marseille
  • Domingo L. SIAZON
    Minister for foreign affairs, Philippines
    1996 Paris
  • Daniel SIBONY
    Writer, psychoanalyst
    1999 Marseille
  • Didier SICARD
    President of CCNE (National Consultative Ethics Committee)
    2003 Lille
  • Fathallah SIJILMASSI
    Ambassador of Morocco in France
    2006 Paris
  • Nathalie SIMON
    2001 Marseille
  • Yves SIMON
    Author, composer
    2012 Paris
  • François de SINGLY
    Sociologist writer
    1994 Paris
  • Pierre SIQUIER
    CEO TBWA Corporate
    2002 Paris
  • Carol SIROU
    President of Standard & Poor's in France
    2014 Paris
  • Mario SOARES
    Former President of Portugal Republic
    2000 Paris
  • Anatoly SOBTCHAK
    Mayor of Saint Petersbourg
    1992 Paris
    1997 Marseille
  • Javier SOLANA
    Secretary-General NATO
    1998 Paris
  • Antoine SOLOM
    Head of the Employee Relationship Practice at Ipsos Loyalty
    2014 Paris
  • Ron SOMMER
    Président Conseil de Direction de Deutsche Telekom AG
    1996 Paris
  • Guy SORMAN
    1994 Paris
  • George SOROS
    Chairman, Soros Foundation
    1994 Paris
  • Raymond SOUBIE
    Chairman, Altédia Group
    1996 Paris
  • Bernard SOULAGE
    Conseiller régional Rhône-Alpes, responsable national du Parti Socialiste pour l'économie et l'emploi, président du groupe socialiste à l'Assemblée régionale
    2003 Lyon
    2003 Lille
  • Jean-Francois SOUSSANA
    French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment
    2022 Paris
  • Ousmane SOW
    Artist, sculptor
    2006 Paris
    Managing Director of Motivaction
    2003 Lille
  • Michael SPINDLER
    Chairman Apple Computer
    1994 Paris
  • Bruno SPIRE
    President of AIDES
    2008 Paris
  • Bernard SPITZ
    Président de BSC, président et co-fondateur du think-tank Les Gracques
    2024 Paris
  • Cécile SPORTIS
    Former director of the United Nations World Food Programme in Paris
    2008 Paris
  • Bruno de STABENRATH
    2006 Paris
  • Sophie STANTON
    Chief marketing, communications & citizenship officer, IBM France
    2017 Paris
  • Philippe STARCK
    1992 Paris
  • George STEINER
    Philosopher, writer
    2006 Paris
  • Isabelle STENGERS
    Philosopher, Professor in the Free University of Brussels
    2003 Lille
  • Amanda STHERS
    Writer, film director
    2022 Paris
  • Lionel STOLERU
    Président du Conseil de développement économique durable de Paris, membre du Conseil économique et social
    2003 Lyon
  • Sharon STONE
    Actress, producer
    2008 Paris
  • Dominique STRAUSS-KAHN
    Minister of Economics
    1998 Paris
  • Will STRAW
    President of OUSU (Oxford University Student Union)
    2003 Lille
  • Philippe STREIFF
    Formula One driver
    2006 Paris
  • Jacques STROUMSA
    Writer, violinist
    1999 Marseille
  • Tristram STUART
    Historian, activist
    2014 Paris
  • Roger SUE
    2000 Paris
    Professor of political science at Princeton University
    2017 Paris
  • Ayyam SUREAU
    Philosopher, founder of the Pierre Claver association
    2024 Paris
  • Yoichi SUZUKI
    Ambassador for Japon in France
    2014 Paris
  • Jean-Marc SYLVESTRE
    Journalist, LCI
    2006 Paris
  • Francis SZPINER
    Lawyer, Senator for Paris
    2024 Paris